We all have little things in our life we pray about. Sometimes, if a prayer isn't answered when we want, it gets set to the side and begins to collect dust. Unless you have a yes, no, or wait awhile, stay with that prayer, and keep bringing it before God. 


We get discouraged when a prayer isn't answered right away. Maybe you've been praying to be healed of being lactose intolerant. Maybe you're struggling to lose weight, or you have a bad temper. Often this discouragement causes us to give up on our prayer. God doesn't want to see a pile of dust prayers. Each one thrown down shows a lack of faith. 


No prayer is too small for God. He created the earth you walk on, and the lungs in your chest. Healing a toothache won't hinder Him. Going to Him every hour of the day won't hinder Him, either. You might think constantly praying for the same thing is a hindrance, because, to us, it would be, but not to God. If your little prayer was a hindrance, that would mean our infallible God was able to be hindered. News flash, nothing can hinder God! Keep on praying until you get an answer. 


Luke 11:9, it says, "Ask, and it shall be given you;" If what you're asking for aligns with His Word and will, you will receive it. Just like the widow woman in Jesus' parable. (Luke 18: 1-8) She needed something, and she didn't stop until she got it. She was so persistent, it says in verse 5, "Yet because this widow woman troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me." No matter the size of your prayer, pick it up and dust it off, then take it before God and let it build your faith. 

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