Most Americans consider themselves Christians because they believe in God and God to church. But that doesn't make someone a Christian. What does then? What's the difference between Christian and "Christian"?
The word Christian means Christ like. If we take on the title of Christian and live in the world, we're being bad representatives of Christ. We are called to be separate. If you want to testify to someone out in the world, do it, but don't compromise what you believe. If you call yourself a Christian, you should actively be trying to be more like Christ.
When we live for Christ and nothing else, we begin to let go of earthly desires. We find if everything was stripped away, we still have everything we need. Our identity isn't in what we do. I'm a blogger and a writer, but if that was taken away, my identity wouldn't be lost because I identify in Christ.
A true Christian will stand by faith no matter what. We stand on God's promises, on His Word. We might be stuck in a storm, but through that storm we'll be praising our loving Savior.
Truly being a Christian means having the life of Christ in us. It makes you love everybody. It gives you compassion. It gives you peace and joy. The whole world might shake, but the true believer won't because they are standing with Jesuse Christ.
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Ah, thank you so much, Amanda!
Great post, Hope!